What is Reading? |
of us do not remember
not being able to read; it has become second
nature. But there are
two key things successful readers must be able to
This brings us to the second thing readers must be able to do - they must be able to figure out the meaning of what they are reading. To comprehend what they have decoded. Comprehension goes beyond simply making the sounds. If you are unable to speak French, you may be able to sound out a passage in French, but you will have no idea of its meaning. The same is true of children learning to read in English!
Tel: 518.434.9055 Fax: 518.434.3572
email info@twotogether.org
This web site was designed by Bill Morgan and is maintained by E. Stefan Frede
Our Community Partners:
Albany City School District
Albany County Department for Children, Youth & Families
Albany Housing Authority
Albany District LINKS
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Giffen Memorial School
John A. Howe Branch Albany Public Library
NYS Department of Health
Red Book Shelf
Trinity Alliance
University at Albany